Nowhere else does the apple find
Always a treat!
You can never get enough of apples from Val Venosta? Perfect! We have great recipe ideas for you. Sweet and hearty, classic and creative: have fun cooking and baking!
Discover the recipesWhispers of apples and other fruity stories
Really exciting, interesting and curious things to look at
From the garden to the kitchen
Recipes for starters, main dishes, desserts or favourite dishes!
35 min.
60 min.
90 min.
40 min.
60 min.
The classic delicious
Red seduction
The Val Venosta resistant
The elegant precocity
Snow White’s apple is sweet as honey
The bittersweet lady
The juicy all-terrain
Explosion of intense flavour
The green gem
The versatile gold piece
Summer in an apple
The kitchen ace
Balanced freshness
Red skin, red heart
The fresh surprise
The yellow wonder of taste
Natural talent loaded with aroma
The beautiful acid
Heavenly taste