Crispy freshness

Real delights of our garden

Whether in the soup, as a side dish or main course: you can’t imagine a pot or plate without vegetables. Your meal will be a real party with sun-ripened vegetables and particularly full of flavour of the Venosta Valley. Top quality, wonderfully tasty and full of natural ingredients: what is expected not only from fresh vegetables.
Ideal soil consistency
The Venosta Valley soil provides them with important nutrients.
Nice weather
A lot of sun leads to a really tasty maturity.
Enthusiastic farmers
Experience and passion make our vegetables grow.

Vegetable varieties from the Venosta Valley

Learn more about Cabbage and Co.

60 min.

Apricot dumplings
with potato dough

Fruity apricot dumplings with potato dough sweeten your summer! Whether as a sweet main course or as dessert, the dumplings are a wonderful, creative change in the kitchen!