Organic by conviction

Every day, more and more farmers in Val Venosta choose to farm organically.

Discover, story by story, the commitment that helps to make our apples so special.

Know your organic farmer:

Weithaler Gerald
„Less yield, more quality.“
My story
Rechenmacher Stephan
„Music is in the air and a very particular smell of apples as well“
My story
Tscholl Michael
"A sense of nature runs in our family."
My story
Stolcis Christian
"Smart sensors for tasty apples."
My story
Eller Tobias
„Organic with imperial view“
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Kiem Ulrich
„Organic has a double advantage: it appreciates both man and nature. “
My story
Oberdörfer Hansjörg
„My favorite color has always been transparency.“
My story
Karner Alfred
„An organic apple is a food full of life.“
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Linser Herbert
“More drive thanks to organic.”
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Pircher Franz
„Nature is not programmable.“
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Niederfriniger Michael
„You need a free mind for organic.“
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Weiss Josef
„Organic apples are the best products guaranteed by nature.“
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Höllrigl Roland
„Health comes first with organic apples.“
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Kaserer Josef
„I already had organic apples when the term “organic” didn’t even exist.“
My story
Telser Manuel
„Organic farming is a meaningful balance to my main job“
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Pircher Martin
„Organic is the right way for future generations.“
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Paulmichl Josef
„Organic is a family business with no plan B.“
My story
Eigenverwaltung B.N.R. TSCHARS
"Mair Simon. The luxury of producing naturally"
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Innerhofer Martin
“You can smell a good harvest in advance.”
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Bachmann Rudolf
„Everything is more relaxed in organic production“
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Alber Burkhard
„Nature always behaves right.“
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Ausserer Klaus
„ Organic has totally convinced me.“
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Zuegg Michael
„Nature knows no compromise, just consequences“
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Forcher Martin
“Bodybuilding for useful insects.“
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Ratschiller Meinrad
“Organic from generation to generation."
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Feichtinger Roland
„Organic is a good fever that I was infected by.“
My story
Oberhofer Klaus
„ I found all the answers to my questions in organic agriculture.“
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Alber Christoph
„Building the future with your own hands.”
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Gamper Manfred
„Organic is my return to nature.“
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Alber Armin
“The best place to dream is in the orchard.”
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Tschöll Georg
“This is not only a job but a life motto.“
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Mair Bernhard
„If you once try organic, you can’t get rid of it.“
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Ruatti Simon
“Enthusiasm is earth’s best fruit.”
My story
Ladurner Ulrich
„The health of nature is a value that you have to foster in the long term.“
My story
Felderer Heidi Maria
„My delicious berry garden makes insects and people happy.“
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Ausserer Georg
„When it comes to nature, preventing problems is not always easy.“
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Rieper Egon
“Nature is an extraordinary creature.”
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Platzgummer Richard
“My first thought? The wellbeing of my family.”
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Tappeiner Georg
“A job that is, above all, a duty.“
My story
Wielander Florian
„Organic is a way that you either go or don’t go.“
My story
Oberdörfer Florian
"Treat nature well and it will treat you well"
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Puintner Markus
“A job that makes me really proud.”
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Schönthaler Bernd
“A decision that influences the whole world.”
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Kripp Sigmund
„Every day is a good day to celebrate the value of nature.“
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Schuster Andreas
“You only achieve big goals step by step.”
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Ratschiller Achim
„Nature is not always as fast as we would like it to be. So you often need a lot of patience.“
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Telser Reinhard
„Reading the soil is a great challenge.“
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Verdross Franz
„Varietal assortment and change in organic production“
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Tumler Eugen
“Healthy food in a healthy environment.“
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Maringgele Egon
„The harvest is nature’s report to evaluate the work of a whole year.“
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Kaserer Christian
"Organic is like archery."
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Abler Pius
"Apple orchards with bubbling springs and rushing streams."
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Gurschler Florian
„Organic is sustainable“
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Wellenzohn Leonhard
„Organic agriculture is the most important challenge that I’ve mastered.“
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Wieser Christian
“Clocks are ticking at a different pace in organic production.“
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Luggin Gregor
“I develop my creativity in organic.”
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Mayr Gerhard
„You need an excellent tree to produce an excellent apple.“
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Wellenzohn Viktoria
„Organic in abundance“
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Wellenzohn Simon
„If you observe nature, you have to love it“
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Pedross Jakob Florin
„Everybody should be able to enjoy healthy food“
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Fent Anna
„The idea to switch to organic was born at school.“
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Ausserer Thomas
“Organic for a secure future.”
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Kostner Stephan
„The rhythm of nature is music for my ears.“
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Holzknecht Sieglinde
"The small orchard in the Apple Paradise".
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Platter Gustav
"I let nature work for me for the most part.”
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Alber Herbert
”You have to stay cool and be constant in organic production.“
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Ausserer Christoph
„Organic is the real key to success.“
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Punt Michael
"Leading with organic.”
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Ladurner Daniel
„Preserving nature like it is.“
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Hanni Christina
„There is nothing good except someone does it.“
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Zerzer Martin
„My close relationship with nature reinforced my decision to grow organic apples“
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Gerstl Breitenberger Matthias
"In organic farming, no animal is expendable."
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Tappeiner Paul Heinrich
„My apples enjoy a prime location.“
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Schweitzer Erich
“A transparent job for a transparent life.”
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Bodenverbesserungskonsortium Galsaun
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Erlacher Günther
“Organic is permanently stable.“
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Platzgummer Albert
“Taste is my natural habitat.”
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Graiss Wolfgang
„Organic is a paradise on earth.“
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Tscholl Peter
„Organic is perfect in Coldrano“
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Am Sand GmbH
"Chivalrous virtues in organic farming."
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Puintner Franz
“Business before pleasure: strictly organic.”
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Pohl Kathrin
“Organic for a better health.”
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Ilmer Arthur
“Protect the environment to see it grow.”
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Gufler Martin
„Let's live the present like we wish our children to live the future.“
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Tappeiner Paulina
“I count on nature.“
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Hofer Martin
„I care for my apple trees as if they were bonsai trees“
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Zangerle Reinhard Karl
„From a hobby to a responsible hobby“
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Hauser Jonas
„A spot of land for organic happiness“
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Klotzner Karl
„If you talk about nature, it’s important to remain down-to-earth.“
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Prantl Andreas
„My grandmother already knew that small steps are the best.“
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Tappeiner Veronika
"You don't have to be a pastry chef to live sweetly."
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Ruatti Florian
„Organic production with noble intentions“
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Tapfer Thomas
„This is the only way to feel like a real farmer.“
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Pircher Christoph
“Only by respecting nature can you succeed with sustainable farming.”
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Blaas Joachim
„Everything that is against nature won't work in the long run.“
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Kienzl Josef
„I wanted to give a natural logic to life.“
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Zerzer Rudolf
„Organic is the language of nature.“
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Telfser Anton
"Only organic can be this colorful."
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Schönthaler Helmut
“Organic is a synonym for great respect.”
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Zöschg Friedrich
„Nature is part of our family.“
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Bauer Philipp
"Every appletree has to recount his own story"
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Astfäller Martin
„Organic every day, for everybody.“
My story
Gamper Christian
„You can best love nature by respecting it.“
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Sonnenburger Oswald
“Farmer out of vocation.”
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Reinstadler Karl
“Intense taste, passionate commitment.”
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Kobler Augustin
„An organic apple is the perfect link between man and nature.“
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Vill Kajetan
„Organic vocation since 1985: this is my life.“
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Gorfer Johannes
„Happy in the footsteps of my professor.“
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Rechenmacher Herbert
“Organic is an all-embracing movement.”
My story
Pirhofer Bernhard
„Our orchards drink fresh spring water.“
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Stocker Karl Heinz
“Organic is a synonym for life.“
My story
Santner Manuel
„For me, organic means sustainability on a natural basis“
My story
Kerschbamer Michael
“It’s important to always find a way and to use your brain.“
My story
Pohl Tobias
“Doing something good for nature is balm for your soul.”
My story
Pichler Wolfgang
"The blossoms of my organic apples are the best source of nectar for my bees."
My story
Tappeiner Rudolf
„Organic is our very own renaissance“
My story
Christandl Urban
"Career changer with a bite and a desire for living things."
My story
Schönweger Markus
“We owe everything to nature.”
My story
Zischg Reinhard
"Organic means heightened awareness."
My story
Bernhart Thomas
„Holding the fruits of my work in my hands is happiness for me.“
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Fischer Thomas
„Steadiness, personal commitment, passion.“
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Pircher Walter
„We create the best conditions for a colorful variety of flora and fauna.“
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Tscholl Josef G.
“200 years of natural life.“
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Ladurner Alex
„Working full-time in and with nature“
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Rechenmacher Martin
„It’s fascinating who well apples grow here.“
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Gamper Patrik
„Fruit is a family tradition.“
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Fuchs Heinrich
"Organic demands maximum stability and love."
My story
Schiefer Josef
“Passionate farmer.”
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Tapfer Erhart
“Nature talks to us and we have to listen to it.“
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Rechenmacher Georg
“Man and nature have the same roots.”
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Gamper Josef
„More than 30 years of love for the nature.“
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Raffeiner Edith Johanna
“A responsibility that can change the world.”
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Peer Florian
"Observing with the eye of the patient photographer."
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Fieg Helga in Zöschg
„A life controlled by nature.“
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Sonnenburger Josef
“I gave my heart to organic agriculture.”
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Thomann Martin
"Organic is an intensive work with nature."
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Stricker Norbert
“Producing organic is good for the soul.“
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Götsch Gerhard
„I would like to offer a healthy product“
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Innerhofer Martin
"Organic is closest to the pulse of time."
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Nagl Florian
"Nature has the big say".
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Prugger Maria Magdalena
"From tourism to organic farming."
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Stark Maria Luise
“Organic, convinced and happy.“
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LesinaDebiasi Martin
„Doing something good, producing something good: organic is a holistic philosophy.“
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Gunsch Alois
„Reducing waste with the help of organic“
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Platzgummer Bernd
“I prefer letting nature speak.“
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Rechenmacher Andrea Maria
“Organic is a future worth living.”
My story
Pircher Hartmann
„This inimitable taste is the result of the perfect interaction between man and nature.“
My story
Platzgummer Simon
“The organic harvest is a treasure of priceless value.”
My story
Pixner Christian
„Organic is as exciting as decathlon.“
My story
Schnitzer Lukas
„Natural and good“
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Erlacher Herbert
“Organic agriculture … a matter of growing conviction.“
My story
Tappeiner Gabriel
"Living and working in harmony with the laws of nature."
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Tumler Stefan
“Novembra - The juicy, sweet, tender, melting winter pear."
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Vidal Hanspeter
“Nature gives and takes and we are in between.“
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Alber Rita
„A passion for our work“
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Pircher Günther
„You first have to get used to the beauty of organic.“
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Biohof - Bärenstall landwirtschaftliche KG der Stricker Esther Adelia
"Bear-strong organic performance at the “Bärenstall” farm"
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Regensburger Leander
"Refining with nature at heart."
My story
Tscholl Christoph
„I recognize some wine aromas in my apples.“
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Klammsteiner Petra
"What you can observe slowly, you can also learn to understand."
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Stecher Gerd
“The work in the orchards is like a holiday.“
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Köhle Anton
„My apples should be natural“
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Hauser Andreas
„Organic is a purpose in life for the whole family.“
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Fiegele Egon Severin
"A buffet for beneficial insects."
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Gurschler Harald
„Taste to believe“
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Plack Thomas
„Organic is my dream come true.“
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Fiegele Gerd
„Man and nature have to interact.“
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Eberhöfer Hansjörg
„There are many ways to produce a healthy product; I have chosen the organic one“
My story
Pircher Gerd
„I live in two worlds and both are demanding.“
My story
Gemassmer Andreas
„Our future lies in the hands of organic agriculture.“
My story
Breitenberger Oliver
"Knowing how to interpret the weather is the first step to success.”
My story
Magitteri Elisabeth
"Organic out of conviction and passion."
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Pöder Dominik
„Everything depends on the weather“
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Wellenzohn Paul
„Our children and consumers get residue-free food“
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Pichler Florin
„Happiness is a small corner of the organic paradise.“
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Tumler Angelika
„I love my job thanks to nature.”
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Schuster Florian
“I follow organic like my ancestors.”
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Tappeiner Siegfried
“Nature doesn’t allow exceptions.“
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Frischmann Josef
"I am convinced that organic production is the right way."
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Ratschiller Erich
“Sensitivity doesn't know obstacles.”
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Brunner Franz
„In nature, we are the first item in a chain.“
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Schwienbacher Christof
"A healthy soil promotes stress-resistant trees."
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Knoll Erich
„You can call me apricot doctor, if you want.“
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Spechtenhauser Hartwig
“A real fan of organic.”
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Rabpom einfache Ges. des Pircher Stefan
My story
Gurschler Gerd
„I believe in a better world for future generations.“
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Ladurner Franz
„I pay special attention to the soil.“
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Tscholl Horst
“Doing something good to both nature and health.“
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Tappeiner Helene
“It’s important to always be yourself.“
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Auer Stefan
„Give nature what you wish for yourself.“
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Erhard Tania
"Our roots are in organic soil."
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Innerhofer Franz Josef
„Nature is the best friend of the people.“
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Prantl Thomas
“Protecting our planet with sustainability.”
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Pinzger Martin
“Apples. A natural talent.”
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Telfser Gert
“My Gala apples shine like my childrens’ smile.“
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Gamper Heidi
"Take the first step and nature will come to you”.
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Tscholl Patrick
"Of freedom in the fresh air."
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Schöpf Brunhilde
„Organic production is agriculture with a future“
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Wielander Horst
„Trees can tell us many things about the future.“
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Hueber Gottlieb Alois
„Organic is the mirror of a kind soul.“
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Kaserer Martin
“Even organic apples love our varied island of tranquillity”.
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Gorfer Josef
„My 5 girls and I.“
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Mair Simon Martin
"Autumn’s fruits simply taste best."
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Pinggera Christian
„Familiar faces and excellent food: this is the life I love.“
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Schuster Simone
"The climate in Val Venosta is perfect for exploring varietal diversity."
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Landwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Schönegg GmbH
My story
Telser Roman
“Organic apples are my real inspiration.“
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Tappeiner David Josef Vinzenz
„A fertile soil as the top priority“
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LesinaDebiasi Hannes
"Organic is complex and therefore extremely exciting."
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Platzgummer Günther
„Organic apples are a unique experience.“
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Hauser Oskar
„I can now live what I taught in the past“
My story