Fent Anna

Organic Producer – Oberer Saringhof
Managment: Elisabeth Waldner

„The idea to switch to organic was born at school.“

My story

The farm Oberer Saringhof is in Rablà at the beginning of Val Venosta. Elizabeth Waldner is the daughter of the house and runs the business. She says "this is where you fall out of bed in the morning into the apple orchard". Gala and Pinova apple varieties are grown here, alongside cherries which are sold directly at the farm. "The idea to go organic was something I got from school. We decided that there are alternative paths to follow in agriculture. Paths which seemed more sustainable to us." They did their research, set aside a few fields as test areas and after this convinced them, they converted the whole farm to organics. "Today we are happy that we had the courage to do it." Her husband and parents still work on the farm but in the busiest periods they get help from relatives and other workers. Elizabeth loves to be out in the orchards too. The harvest is her favourite time. "That's when we all work together and enjoy ourselves. We are also very careful when we pick the fruits, because we have worked for the entire year to grow them."

Where I live



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