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Fiegele Gerd

BIO Organic Producer

„Man and nature have to interact.“

My story

Gerd Fiegele's farm is in Oris, at the foot of Val Venosta's Monte Sole Mountain. Until recently he was an apple grower and he also taught fruit production at the Fürstenburg agricultural college. "It was the optimal combination," says Fiegele; "it meant that I could back up my theoretical knowledge with practical tips. My pupils always appreciated that."

Gerd particularly likes the peaceful tasks in his orchard which can be done without using any machinery. Observing and enjoying is his thing. Gerd knows the trees on his small farm so well that he has given them all a name. Gala, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Pinova and Kanzi® all grow here, "they are simply beautiful apples".

For Gerd, the decision to convert to organic farming in 2006 was a logically consistent. In his view, organic production is the only way for a farmer to celebrate success over the long term in partnership with nature. "Because in that way Val Venosta's natural environment is preserved, and the apples are healthier and just taste better."

Where I live

My harvest
Royal Gala
The elegant precocity
The tasty gala appears every summer in its reddish yellow shell and the new apple season begins.
September - March
smooth shell, spherical shape, slightly conical, pale yellow base colour with bright red and striped cover
crispy and juicy with firm pulp
refreshing, sweet with little acidity
The versatile gold piece
To be consumed fresh, baked, cooked, stewed and toasted, the apple of New York really is worth gold.
March - August
greenish yellow with crimson basic colour, striped and covered in faded red
juicy with loose, crispy and slightly grainy pulp
bittersweet with a balanced ratio of sugar and acid
Golden Delicious
The classic delicious
Golden Delicious is our main variety and, therefore, the queen of Val Venosta apples. That the most popular apple has a real quality, can be seen in its lovely red cheek. By the way, this is typical of fruits on a hillside.
October - September
greenish yellow to golden yellow
juicy with very fine and soft pulp
sweet with delicate acidity
The Val Venosta resistant
The Pinova with its red vermilion-red skin is a typical apple of Val Venosta. Not only is it colourful, it also has a very balanced flavour. Thanks to its long durability, it offers you unlimited fruit enjoyment until the summer season.
January - July
Bicolour, yellow to greenish, at least 30% of the fruit is covered with a bright vermilion colour
refreshing with very crisp, juicy and firm pulp
Balanced proportion of sugar and acid
Nicoter / Kanzi®
Balanced freshness
With its proper balance of sweetness and acidity, the juicy Nicoter / Kanzi® offers a harmonious taste experience and a lot of energy, almost like music for the palate.
October - July
red base colour with yellow secondary colour, rounded shape
compact, firm pulp, very crispy and juicy
balanced ratio of sugar and acid
WA38 / Cosmic Crisp®
Heavenly taste
Heavenly attractive in appearance and taste. Pleasant summer fruitiness with aromas of green grass, kiwi and gooseberry.
February – April
Dark red-purple blush on a yellow-bright base color.
Very crunchy, particularly juicy and with a hard paring.
Sweet-sour; balanced taste. Aromas of green grass, kiwi and gooseberry.


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