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Perfler In Von Spinn Ehrentraud

BIO Organic
Producer Management: Gerd Gurschler

„Time goes by but organic remains.“

My story

Ehrentraud Perfler von Spinn's farm is in Coldrano. Gerd Gurschler manages the apple orchard located there. He owns a farming property in Tiss which has been in his family for four generations. A lot has changed in that time. However, when guests come to enjoy their holidays on the farm, the amazing backdrop is the same as it was a hundred years ago, with a chapel belonging to the estate framed by a beautiful view. When he was younger, Gerd used to work as a mechanic but he was soon drawn back to working his own farm. He attended the agricultural college in Fürstenburg as a mature student and in 2002 he converted his land to organic farming. These days he is helped out by his wife, father and grandfather who fully support the decision to convert. They see themselves as friends of nature with a duty to pass on a healthy and positive environment to the next generation.

Where I live



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