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Pichler Florin

BIO Organic Producer

„Happiness is a small corner of the organic paradise.“

My story

Tarres lies on an alluvial fan above the village of Laces and is home to Florin Pichler, who farms organically. Here, the forest reaches all the way down to the village, and Florian can see a lot of his orchards from his balcony. His land is spread out in various plots in the upper and mid Val Venosta and they are separated by a full 700 metres in terms of altitude.

Florin started his professional career as a metalworker but soon realised that his dream job was something else. He went to the well-known Laimburg technical college for fruit production, viticulture and horticulture in South Tyrol and gained a thorough education there. Following this, he rented some land and bought some plots as well.

Respectful use of the resources available from his alpine surroundings was key to him from the very beginning. As a result, it is no surprise that he soon opted for organics and had the farm certified. Florian is now the owner of a small paradise. He grows apples but also vegetables, berries and herbs. Diversity is especially important to him. It means that he can feed his family himself, refining the process and experimenting. Because that is what makes his organic farm move forwards and what makes him progress as a person.

Where I live

My harvest
The bittersweet lady
Beauty meets acidity: This bright and smooth crossover between Topaz & Cripps Pink makes the pests stay away, therefore, it is especially popular in organic farming.
January - May
opaque radiant red colour on creamy background, homogeneous shape, very smooth shell
juicy and crunchy bite
aromatic with pronounced acidity
Royal Gala
The elegant precocity
The tasty gala appears every summer in its reddish yellow shell and the new apple season begins.
September - March
smooth shell, spherical shape, slightly conical, pale yellow base colour with bright red and striped cover
crispy and juicy with firm pulp
refreshing, sweet with little acidity
Golden Delicious
The classic delicious
Golden Delicious is our main variety and, therefore, the queen of Val Venosta apples. That the most popular apple has a real quality, can be seen in its lovely red cheek. By the way, this is typical of fruits on a hillside.
October - September
greenish yellow to golden yellow
juicy with very fine and soft pulp
sweet with delicate acidity
The Val Venosta resistant
The Pinova with its red vermilion-red skin is a typical apple of Val Venosta. Not only is it colourful, it also has a very balanced flavour. Thanks to its long durability, it offers you unlimited fruit enjoyment until the summer season.
January - July
Bicolour, yellow to greenish, at least 30% of the fruit is covered with a bright vermilion colour
refreshing with very crisp, juicy and firm pulp
Balanced proportion of sugar and acid
The beautiful acid
Topaz makes biting the sour apple worthy! The aromatic fruit impresses with a pleasant acidity and is also a common variety in organic farming.
January - May
basic yellow tone with red striped components, round shape with flattened calyx
crunchy pulp with pleasant cream colouring
acidified with sharp acidity
R201 / Kissabel® rouge
Red skin, red heart
Kissabel® is a simple and natural kiss at each bite. Genuine, unique and inviting.
October - December
intense red skin with prominent lenticels
compact red flesh 100% natural, very crunchy and juicy
fully flavoured with berry notes
Sweet treats
Pears are fruits with ancient origins. The Greek poet Homer described them as a sweet gift from God. In the sunny climate of Val Venosta, these fruits develop an enveloping sweetness and an aromatic heart. The pear is considered a versatile and vitamin-rich fruit, as well as easily digestible, to be enjoyed at any time of day.
Spherical, pear- or bell-shaped, with green, sometimes yellow or reddish skin
Crisp, fleshy or juicy and soft flesh
Sweet, with intense aroma and low acidity


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