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Schönweger Markus

BIO Organic Producer – Sunnhof

“We owe everything to nature.”

My story

The Sunn farm is sunny by name and sunny by nature. It is close to the spa town of Merano, in the village of Parcines which has a panoramic view of the Val Venosta. The evening mountain sun of the Texel Group bathes this area in light. Markus Schönweger inherited some of his land from his father and he has added to this with purchases. He graduated from the Laimburg technical college for fruit production, viticulture and horticulture in South Tyrol and he grows mainly red, organic apples. Markus deals with the work in the orchards mostly on his own. His favourite job is the solitary winter pruning of the trees. When he is short-handed, especially picking apples at harvest time, his family help out. Markus converted from integrated production to organic farming in 2007. "Respect for nature means giving back what we have received from her." Markus wants to achieve this with his production method. The increasing levels of biological diversity in his orchards clearly demonstrate to him that he is on the right track.

Where I live

My harvest
Royal Gala
The elegant precocity
The tasty gala appears every summer in its reddish yellow shell and the new apple season begins.
September - March
smooth shell, spherical shape, slightly conical, pale yellow base colour with bright red and striped cover
crispy and juicy with firm pulp
refreshing, sweet with little acidity
Red Delicious
Red seduction
The image of the Red Delicious is difficult to resist. Seeing red can be really nice. And the red flavour is even more beautiful!
September - July
dark red colour, conical shape, oblong
juicy with very white pulp
sweet, very aromatic with relatively slight acidity
Golden Delicious
The classic delicious
Golden Delicious is our main variety and, therefore, the queen of Val Venosta apples. That the most popular apple has a real quality, can be seen in its lovely red cheek. By the way, this is typical of fruits on a hillside.
October - September
greenish yellow to golden yellow
juicy with very fine and soft pulp
sweet with delicate acidity
The Val Venosta resistant
The Pinova with its red vermilion-red skin is a typical apple of Val Venosta. Not only is it colourful, it also has a very balanced flavour. Thanks to its long durability, it offers you unlimited fruit enjoyment until the summer season.
January - July
Bicolour, yellow to greenish, at least 30% of the fruit is covered with a bright vermilion colour
refreshing with very crisp, juicy and firm pulp
Balanced proportion of sugar and acid
Explosion of intense flavour
The Fuji apple is named after a volcano, but inside the Japanese is very sweet.
November - May
pale pink to dark red, lightly striped colour on a greenish-yellow background, rounded shape
compact and very juicy with high sugar content
very sweet and aromatic
The beautiful acid
Topaz makes biting the sour apple worthy! The aromatic fruit impresses with a pleasant acidity and is also a common variety in organic farming.
January - May
basic yellow tone with red striped components, round shape with flattened calyx
crunchy pulp with pleasant cream colouring
acidified with sharp acidity
The juicy all-terrain
For a small snack between meals or used in many ways in the kitchen and bakery: The Braeburn is a true all-terrain. Be patient with it, as it develops its full aroma only after several storage months.
November - May
Roll shaped with a smooth and shiny surface, golden yellow base, scarlet to dark red with stripes
very juicy with firm bite and firm pulp
pleasant proportion of sugar and acid, very refreshing


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