Sonnenburger Oswald

BIO Organic Producer – Almbergerhof

“Farmer out of vocation.”

My story

Oswald Sonnenburger lives with his family in Plars di Sopra which has one of the best views in the Val Venosta. Almberger farm used to be run by Oswald's grandfather and these days it offers holiday apartments with a spectacular vista all the way down to the spa town of Merano below.

In 1988, Oswald converted to apples from livestock, then eleven years later he made the move to strict organic farming. The orchards now grow Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and Topaz, which are all varieties perfectly suited to the conditions at Almberger. Oswald particularly treasures the peace and companionship of the time spent pruning with his son and a friend.

For him, farming is a vocation. In addition to apples, he grows peaches, apricots, plums and kiwi fruit for his own consumption. He is very proud of his Haflinger and Arabian horses. Oswald also hunts, fishes and is a trekking guide. He was led to organics by his years of experience closely observing his farm. Today, he is proud of it. It is his way of returning to nature and making our world a healthier place in the process.

Where I live

My harvest
Royal Gala
The elegant precocity
The tasty gala appears every summer in its reddish yellow shell and the new apple season begins.
September - March
smooth shell, spherical shape, slightly conical, pale yellow base colour with bright red and striped cover
crispy and juicy with firm pulp
refreshing, sweet with little acidity
The beautiful acid
Topaz makes biting the sour apple worthy! The aromatic fruit impresses with a pleasant acidity and is also a common variety in organic farming.
January - May
basic yellow tone with red striped components, round shape with flattened calyx
crunchy pulp with pleasant cream colouring
acidified with sharp acidity


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