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Tappeiner Siegfried

BIO Organic Producer

“Nature doesn’t allow exceptions.“

My story

Siegfried Tappeiner and his family live in Sluderno in Alta Val Venosta. Coira Castle, a well preserved castle, sits enthroned above the village. Siegfried’s orchards are situated in the surroundings of Lasa. The architect manages the orchards with the help of his family. Siegfried is an organic farmer by conviction and grows apple varieties that are best able to integrate themselves into Val Venosta’s natural cycles. He respects the EU directives as well as the ones of the Bioland association that require the exclusive use of organic fertilizers and insist on gentle farming methods for working the soil. According to Siegfried, this is the only way to grow completely healthy apples that also look good. For him, organic quality is more important than quantity. The difference in taste is obvious as well. Siegfried’s apples have an intense taste and are very crunchy and juicy. Siegfried is convinced that organic tastes different.

Where I live

My harvest
Red Delicious
Red seduction
The image of the Red Delicious is difficult to resist. Seeing red can be really nice. And the red flavour is even more beautiful!
September - July
dark red colour, conical shape, oblong
juicy with very white pulp
sweet, very aromatic with relatively slight acidity
The versatile gold piece
To be consumed fresh, baked, cooked, stewed and toasted, the apple of New York really is worth gold.
March - August
greenish yellow with crimson basic colour, striped and covered in faded red
juicy with loose, crispy and slightly grainy pulp
bittersweet with a balanced ratio of sugar and acid
The beautiful acid
Topaz makes biting the sour apple worthy! The aromatic fruit impresses with a pleasant acidity and is also a common variety in organic farming.
January - May
basic yellow tone with red striped components, round shape with flattened calyx
crunchy pulp with pleasant cream colouring
acidified with sharp acidity


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