My story
Senn farm belongs to the Tumler family and is in Covelano at the foot of the Tramontana Mountain. The highest marble quarry in Europe is here, at 2,250 metres above sea level. The Senn orchards are 1,500 metres below. This broad, flat landscape is criss-crossed by ancient irrigation channels called "Waals". Eugen Tumler has owned the family farm since 2007. Before the Second World War, apricot trees were planted here. Eugen has added kiwis, pears and plums, as well as Golden Delicious, Gala, Red Delicious, Pinova and Jonagold apples. His parents and his son help him in his work, which allows him time for his second job, as an organic fruit farming consultant. Eugen and his parents converted to organic farming back in 1999. Now he knows exactly how to deal with beneficial fauna and working the soil. He says that the sustainability of organic farming has got a lot to do with very strict monitoring. That is what ensures healthy food, and by extension, a healthy environment.