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A comprehensive offer and cutting-edge proposals

VIP intercepts great interest at Fruit Attraction

Just a year ago, Fruit Attraction was the big occasion for VIP, the Consortium of Fruit and Vegetable Cooperatives of Val Venosta, to launch the major restructuring of its sales team.

This team is attending Fruit Attraction 2023 (hall 8, stand C11) in Madrid these days, strengthened by a year of positive experiences and ready to intercept all the opportunities that this increasingly international exhibition can offer.

Joachim Rabensteiner, VIP Export Sales Manager, comments: "Fruit Attraction coincides precisely with the moment when the new sales season is getting into full swing. It is therefore a strategic and increasingly important event for us, as it allows us to renew contacts with international customers who are increasingly present in Madrid during the days of this exhibition, as well as to meet new potential customers from all over the world, including Latin America, which looks at Madrid with great attention and is an extremely interesting market for us”.

Once again, Fruit Attraction also proves to be an opportunity to consolidate and strengthen relations in the Spanish market. In this regard, Rabensteiner points out: "The Spanish market is very important for us: it is the second largest market for 'Golden', our queen variety, after Italy, but it is also an interesting market for the other varieties, including the new Premium varieties. The exhibition is taking place at the very moment of the start of the marketing season for the new harvested Golden apples".
In order to understand the climate in which Fruit Attraction is taking place, this further observation by the VIP Export Sales Manager may be useful: "We export almost 45% of the 330,000 tonnes of apples we produce, and this year we have a positive outlook in front of us because the market, in general, is rather empty. We realised this immediately, as there was high demand from several foreign markets, including Spain and Latin America, but also from Northern Europe and Germany. Fruit Attraction is now confirming this for us. We can only hope that the season will continue according to these good premises”.

VIP is introducing its comprehensive offer in Madrid, which guarantees a 12-month supply of the new premium varieties and organic apples themselves, which now cover a first-class range of varieties. These were important milestones achieved in the last two years. But it is also necessary to emphasise the efficiency of VIP's services to its distribution partners, also on an international level, and the quantum leap that VIP's Marketing Service offers these partners in order to promote the characteristics of the individual apple varieties at the points of sale when they are at their best in terms of organoleptic qualities and taste. In Italy, VIP recently launched the project “a ogni mela la sua stagione” (to each apple its season), aimed at raising awareness of the wide selection of organic apples from Val Venosta and the importance of their seasonality.

These are all indicators that convey a message: VIP has what it takes to stay in the international market with ever-increasing competence and cutting-edge proposals. It is a message that comes out of Fruit Attraction strengthened.


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