A winning collaboration between Unicomm and VIP in trade marketing at the point of sale

Communicating the values of origin, territoriality, and quality of Val Venosta apples has been the cornerstone of the successful historic partnership between VIP and Unicomm.

Last season, Val Venosta apples took centre stage in 74 Famila and Emisfero stores that are part of the Veneto-based distribution chain.
This was also the objective of the initiative held from 31st October to 13th November, which combined VIP organic apples with an opportunity for consumers to discover the Val Venosta region through a dedicated contest. Winners will be awarded an eco-friendly stay in Val Venosta, fully aligned with the principles of green living.

VIP and Unicomm: longstanding partners
Results confirm the effectiveness of the collaboration

These initiatives were the result of close cooperation between VIP’s trade marketing team and store managers, paving the way for further advancements. Unicomm expressed their satisfaction:
"Our customers’ feedback has been extremely positive. We have been longstanding partners with VIP, bound by years of collaboration, and the results of these initiatives confirm the effectiveness of the direction taken”.

Simplifying variety complexity and identifying the 'perfect apple' for every consumer
VIP provided tools that allowed stores to achieve excellent results. Paul Schwienbacher, VIP Trade Marketing Specialist, explains: "With the wide range of apple varieties that arrive on supermarket shelves year after year, consumers can easily feel overwhelmed. That’s the reason why we provided extensive POP materials to set up dedicated corners, including variety-specific signs and the 'FindYourApple' totem, VIP's category management tool that helps identify the 'perfect apple' for every consumer. Additionally, in 30 of the stores, envy™ apple tastings were held. This truly special club apple boasts an intense, sweet, and crunchy flavour that stimulates all of the consumer's senses.
Rewarding Organic Purchases
Stays Promoting Harmony Between People and Nature
The classic varieties from the Consortium were the focus of the organic apple contest. It’s worth noting that VIP has been, for many years – and continues to be this season – the European leader in organic apples.

From 31st October to 13th November 2024, consumers who purchased a tray of four Val Venosta organic apples, chosen from the timeless Golden Delicious, Gala, Red, and Pinova varieties, have the chance to win one of three stays offered by VIP. Each stay, lasting one week, will take place at an eco-conscious hotel in Val Venosta, dedicated entirely to organic living. In the VIP world, even prizes are sustainable and in harmony with nature.

Through these activities, VIP has demonstrated its ability to implement highly effective initiatives that increase in-store purchases and create a unique experience for consumers in the fresh produce section.


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