The organic production

The perfect mix makes the best apples.

100% traceable
We guarantee the complete traceability of our apples from the field to the shelf.
Europe-wide leaders
We are the largest producer of organic apples in Europe.
Ideal micro-climate
The micro-climate in Val Venosta is ideal for growing organic apples.

We are European Champions

Why we are organic apple leaders of an entire continent

Quality before quantity

We are the largest supplier of organic apples in Europe, and yet: Quality before quantity. Thinking, acting and living in harmony with nature and its very own rhythm are the supporting pillars of organic farming. Quantity is not the deciding factor, only the quality of the products and respect for the environment count.

Ecological measures

Every time our farmers do something, they also think about the environment. They do a lot to protect biodiversity, for example by creating and preserving natural habitats. Among other things, their ecological measures enable pests to be controlled naturally. Although plant protection products are also indispensable in organic farming, only approved products are used and only when necessary. This means, when it concerns the health of the trees and securing the harvest.

100% Bioland, Demeter or Naturland

When it comes to organic cultivation, we not only adhere to the legal regulations of EU directive 834/2007/EC, but also to the strict cultivation guidelines of the associations Bioland, Demeter or Naturland. Anyone who bites into a Val Venosta organic apple can rely on its perfect quality.

Availability and diversity of varieties

First-class organic apples are available all year round from us. We not only offer a range of traditional apple varieties such as Golden Delicious, Gala or Braeburn. Our variety renewal team is very active and is constantly introducing new varieties, such as Bonita and Natyra recently. In the future too, there will be some surprises from apple paradise.

State-of-the-art working methods

A particularly "apple-friendly" valley on the one hand; state-of-the-art technology on the other: The result can only be first class! One example of our advanced methods is our new organic packaging facility. It enables us to react flexibly to customer requirements, for example thanks to a packing capacity of 28 tonnes per hour or the storage capacity of 18,000 large boxes in the high-bay warehouse.

Maximum transparency: BioGraphy

It’s important for us to offer our trade partners and clients seamless re-traceability. We do not want to hide anything but are proud of the sustainable path that our organic apples travel. That’s why we’ve initiated a unique project: BioGraphy. By entering the name on the apple label in the BioGraphy portal, consumers can find out who grew their organic apple and get to know them personally. 100% transparency, 100% quality!

To the BioGraphy portal