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VIP at Fruit Logistica 2024 displays strength with its apples for the full year

confirming its profile as reliable partner for the European retailers

At Fruit Logistica 2024, VIP confirms its position as first-class partner of apples in Europe. After the successful start of the commercial season, the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Cooperatives of Val Venosta guarantees the year-round availability of apples, which - despite last summer's abnormal weather in Europe - are characterised by high quality and long shelf life: this is possible thanks to the altitude and the Alpine-Mediterranean microclimate of the production area. VIP also emphasises support for its customers through sales promotion measures and innovative marketing campaigns.

The 2023/2024 sales campaign of VIP started earlier than usual and had a good response from trading partners. In September, VIP successfully marketed the Gala variety and the new club apple variety SweeTango™ in several markets. Kurt Ratschiller, Commercial Director of VIP explains: "Once again, we were able to place the SweeTango™ summer apple very quickly in Italy and, for the first time, we reached important customers in Spain and Denmark. Moreover, some new partners have already confirmed the inclusion of this club apple in their offer for the new season, which confirms the positive response of final consumers".

VIP is optimistic about the coming months in terms of marketing. The Gala variety will be on the market until the end of March and will be partially replaced by the Pinova variety from the beginning of February. In the summer months, the club apple Cosmic Crisp® will be available alongside the main Val Venosta variety, namely Golden Delicious. The harvest volume of Golden and Club apples from Val Venosta is such that VIP can guarantee their availability for the whole year. This also applies to organic apples: both quantity and quality of the harvest were positive. VIP can therefore also supply the markets of countries with weaker organic harvests, such as Germany, with high-quality organic apples until the end of the season.

General Director Martin Pinzger says: "In this way, we strengthen our role as leading supplier of organic apples in Europe and prove that we are a reliable supplier of apples even during the marketing stages when apples from integrated or organic cultivation are not fully available”.
In addition to the marketing campaigns for the various club apples, this year VIP is focusing its communication on the main variety of Val Venosta, the Golden Delicious. Marketing manager Benjamin Laimer explains: "In Italy and Spain, the two main markets for our Golden variety, we are organising 'Golden Weeks' in selected retail chains. Besides receiving detailed information about the product, during these promotional weeks customers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the flavour of Golden and rediscover a traditional variety in a new way".

In collaboration with nutritionist Chiara Manzi, VIP has developed various pairing options with the different apple varieties. The "Applepairing" information brochure, which will be published at the end of February, contains insights into how the flavours of six Val Venosta apple varieties can be harmoniously combined with other food products. Finally, Laimer reveals: “Foodpairing with apples offers a new taste experience. In selected shops we will organise tasting events in which the Val Venosta Golden Apples are perfectly combined with local specialities.


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