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VIP emphasises its position as organic market leader at BIOFACH in Nuremberg

Sales of organic apples increase by 25% compared to the previous sales season

Organic apples from Val Venosta can be found again this year at BIOFACH in Nuremberg from February 13 to 16: VIP, the association of Val Venosta producers of fruit and vegetables, will be exhibiting at the joint South Tyrolean stand in the Bioland area in Hall 7 - Stand 361.

"Participation in this trade fair has always been important for us; this year it is even more important. In Val Venosta, we recorded a 20% additional harvest of organic apples this year compared to last year. Our main competitors in Italy and Europe, on the other hand, recorded a decrease in their harvests. This creates very favourable conditions for us," explains Gerhard Eberhöfer, organic product manager at VIP.

VIP is not only enjoying a good harvest, but also a very good sales season. After just five months of sales, VIP can draw a more than positive balance with a 25% increase in sales (until 31 January 2024). The outlook for the coming months is also favourable: "We got off to a very good start in November. After a slight decline in December, sales picked up again from the third week of January 2024, as the consumption of organic fruit has picked up again, especially in Northern Europe," explains Eberhöfer.

The only challenge remains the Golden Delicious variety, which is in particular demand from consumers in Italy and Spain and has slightly higher stocks than planned.
The willingness to favour regional products and thus specifically promote sustainability is proving to be another plus point for organic apples from South Tyrol. European market players regard South Tyrolean fruit as a local product and therefore favour it over overseas products in the summer months. "We have already planned sales for June, July and August with some of the largest retailers in Germany and Scandinavia. Year after year, we realise that the European market values VIP as the leading organic supplier in the apple sector. That suits us well."

At BIOFACH 2024, Bio Val Venosta will also be presenting the new Flowrap packaging for organic apples to the international market. This is a premium packaging made of paper with a window made of linen net. The packaging is completely biodegradable and can be printed all over with appealing information.

Sustainability in all areas and visual appeal are two important factors in increasing the demand for organic apples: "We have currently achieved a balanced price level for our organic apples. However, in order to maintain this, we need to convince consumers and retailers in particular of the intrinsic values of organic apples. The pursuit of sustainability and respect for the environment are evident at VIP. The quality of Val Venosta organic apples is in no way inferior. The weather conditions in autumn 2023 led to less intense colouring in some varieties. However, the flavour and quality of our apples remain at a high level. We are therefore confident that we can easily support the market with high-quality organic apples until the next harvest."


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