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The new yellow apple returns to the market

The new yellow-skinned specialty in the apple segment has returned to the market to satisfy the most demanding consumers. Since the end of October, the yello® apple, produced exclusively in Europe by the VIP and VOG Consortia, has been available again with its abundance of tropical aromas, juiciness and strong, attractive colour.

The sales season has opened with high expectations among the two South Tyrolean Consortia: the 2500 tonnes of apples harvested, in line with previous years, have exactly what it takes in terms of quality to meet the expectations of apple lovers and win over new customers looking for a distinctive, top-quality product.

yello® is much more than just an apple: it is a fruit that improves the quality of the entire category. It is no coincidence that it has already won over a niche of consumers highly attentive to quality and flavour.” Discovered in Japan and grown in South Tyrol, yello® is a genuine speciality for connoisseurs.


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