Only eco is logical

A cultivation in the sense of nature? For us it goes without saying.

Ecosystem apple orchard
And so the circle is complete
Ecosystem apple orchard
Every apple orchard in Val Venosta is an ecosystem in itself and functions small-scale as well as large-scale. The secret lies in the balance. If there are enough beneficial insects, and parasites do not get out of hand, if biodiversity is promoted and habitats are protected, then cultivation in harmony with nature is possible. In Val Venosta, farmers know not only how to take but also to give, and so the circle in the ecosystem is complete.

We promote biodiversity

How can the ecosystem not only be protected but sustainably promoted? The farmers of Vinschgau have learned over the years: They build dry stone walls and insect hotels, provide nesting opportunities, create flowering strips, and thus ensure that their orchards offer plenty of refuges and habitats for animals and plants. The reward: lively orchards and enough beneficial insects to naturally keep pests at bay. We also work closely with Vinschgau beekeepers to implement bee protection projects. For example, we have already established several bee pastures in Vinschgau in collaboration or support bee-friendly farming.
No rain in sight
Where the water in Val Venosta comes from
No rain in sight
At first glance, Val Venosta in the west of South Tyrol is anything but "apple-friendly". High mountain massifs keep rain clouds away and make Val Venosta the driest valley in the Alps with only 500 ml of precipitation per m2 per year. In addition, the Val Venosta wind often blows, which sweeps even the last bit of moisture out of the valley.
Despite the adverse conditions, the farmers of Val Venosta have found a way to let nature sprout in their orchards. They use the melt water from the surrounding mountains, which is stored in the Adige River, in the so-called "Waalen" (irrigation channels), in tunnels, reservoirs and deep wells.

Irrigation is also sustainable

Melt water is valuable, especially as around 1,700 farmers in Val Venosta depend on it. This is why it is handled with particular care. Not only a well thought-out irrigation system helps here, but also a particularly resource-saving method: With drip irrigation, only the root area is irrigated via a pipe close to the trunk, and this is done drop by drop. This results in water savings of up to 50%. Soon only drip irrigation will be used in Val Venosta.