TEXELVia dell' Argine, 2I-39025 Naturno (BZ)Tel. +39 0473 671100Opening hours:MON - FRI9am to 12,15am Apples
JUVALVia Statale, 26I-39020 Castelbello (BZ)Tel. +39 0473 727519Opening hours: MON - FRI 8am to 12am2pm to 6pm ApplesBioVegetables
MIVORZona Industriale, 7I-39021 Laces (BZ)Tel. +39 0473 749964Opening hours: MON - FRI 8am to 12amAfternoon closed! ApplesBio
MEG - South Tyrol Strawberry WorldTrattla, 246I-39020 Martello (BZ)Tel. +39 0473 745005Opening hours:closedfor winter break
GEOSVia Protzen, 3I-39028 Silandro (BZ)Tel. +39 0473 737105Opening hours:WED & FRI9,30am to 12am ApplesBio
OVEGVia Moosburg, 52I-39023 Lasa/Oris (BZ)Tel. +39 0473 617581Opening hours: MON - FRI8.30am to 12am2pm to 6pmSATURDAY8.30am to 12am ApplesBioVegetables