Blossom, revealed!

9 stages from bud to bloom

One day in spring, the apple trees suddenly burst into bloom. What seems so surprising at first glance, however, takes time. The tree goes through nine stages until a full bloom develops from the winter buds.

Spring Awakening of Buds

1st stage: Winter Bud
2nd stage: Bud Swelling

During winter, the apple trees rest. The buds are tightly closed and protected from the cold by dark brown scales. As temperatures rise, the buds begin to swell. They become longer and lighter. The apple tree prepares for growth. Due to rising temperatures caused by climate change, the apple trees also awaken from their winter rest earlier and earlier.

Leaves first, then flowers

3rd stage: Bud Opening
4th stage: Mouse Ear Stage

A cherry tree first opens its flowers; only then does it push the leaves out of the buds. An apple tree does the opposite: first, it unfolds its leaves, then the flowers. Initially, the buds open, and the first green leaves around the flower cluster become visible. Two small leaves spread from the bud: they look like the tiny ears of a mouse.
It takes 9 developmental stages
for winter buds to become a full bloom.
12 days earlier
when compared to 1975, Golden Delicious apple tree achieves full bloom.
Up to 10 individual blossoms
develop from a single flower bud.
3 – 5 fruits
remain on each flower cluster.

From green to red buds

5th stage: Green Buds
6th stage: Red Buds

The leaves slowly take on their characteristic shape. The buds and shoots are now distinctly green. While the closed buds were tightly packed at the beginning, they now begin to loosen from each other. The buds and young leaves take on a slight reddish hue. The sepals are slightly open, and the red flowers shimmer slightly.

Pop, the bud blooms

7th stage: Balloon Stage
8th stage: Beginning of Bloom
9th stage: Full Bloom

The flower buds now look like small balloons about to burst. The first white-pink flowers open. When about half of the flowers have bloomed, it is considered full bloom. Now the bees rejoice: they collect nectar and pollinate the flowers. From the fertilized flowers, apples develop throughout the summer.