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Apple yeast cake

A perfect sweet snack

A sheet cake for family and friends that is easy and fast to prepare.
40 min.


For the dough:

500 g flour
1 sachet dry yeast
1/4 l warm milk
80 g sugar
160 g melted butter
1 egg
juice and grated peel of a lemon

For the topping:

60 g soft butter
150 g sugar
500 g low-fat curd cheese
200 g whipped cream
grated peel of a lemon
1 pack vanilla pudding powder
1.5 kg apples
40 g almond slivers
40 g raisins
apricot jam
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Mix flour with dry yeast in a bowl. Add milk, sugar, butter, egg, lemon peel and lemon juice to the flour mixture and knead to a smooth dough (all ingredients should have room temperature). Cover the bowl, put it aside in a warm place and wait until its volume has doubled.
Knead again (add a bit of flour if necessary) and roll out on a greased baking tray; wait for another 15 minutes.
For the topping cream butter with sugar, add curd cheese, whipped cream, lemon peel and pudding powder and mix well.
Put the mixture on the yeast dough; wash and peel apples, cut into splits and spread over the dough. Sprinkle with almond slivers and raisins and bake in the oven at 175 C for about 40 minutes.
Spread hot apricot jam on the cool cake.

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