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Apricot dumplings
of curd dough

Sweet variant of traditional Tyrolean dumplings.
A real pleasure with soft dough and fruity core - be it as a main dish or dessert.
40 min.


For the dough:

60 g soft butter
1 egg
250 g curd cheese
120 g flour
1 heaped tablespoon fine semolina
app. 18 apricots
app. 18 sugar cubes

For finishing the dumplings:

100 g butter
80 g sugar
80 g breadcrumbs
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Cream butter and egg. Add curd cheese, flour and semolina and knead well. Stone the apricots and replace the stone with a sugar cube. Divide the dough into app. 18 portions of the same size and cover the apricots with the dough pieces. Boil the dumplings slowly in abundant salt water for about 10-15 minutes.
Turn the dumplings in melted butter and browned sugar and breadcrumbs.

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