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Chocolate dumplings filled with strawberries

A sweet reinterpretation of a great classic

A dough made of ricotta, cocoa and semolina that encloses a sweet, succulent mountain strawberry. Easy to prepare, a game of contrasts, to be served hot or lukewarm.
160 min.


for 8 dumplings

for the dumplings
50 g soft butter
2 tbsp. sugar
250 g ricotta
1 pinch of salt
1 egg
70 g semolina (coarse)
25 g bitter cocoa powder
1 tbsp. dark chocolate drops
8 strawberries

for the breadcrumbs
30 g butter
100 g breadcrumbs
2 tsp. bitter cocoa powder
1 tbsp. sugar
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For the chocolate dumplings filled with strawberries put butter in a bowl and stir until creamy with an electric whisk and add sugar. Add ricotta and salt and whisk until the mixture is homogeneous. Add egg and whisk. Then add semolina, bitter cocoa and dark chocolate drops and continue whisking until the mixture is homogeneous. Cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 2 hours or even overnight.
After the rest time, wash strawberries and remove the green part. Bring plenty of water to the boil in a large pot and salt. Remove the dough from the fridge. Wet your hands and take approx. a tablespoon of dough. Flatten it on the palm of your hand (your hands have to be wet, otherwise the dough is too sticky!), place a strawberry at the center and close the dough by entirely wrapping the strawberry. Briefly roll in your hands to form a dumpling and lay on a floured plate. 

When you have prepared all the dumplings remove them from the plate with the help of a spatula and put them in the boiling water. Wait for them to come to the surface and then continue cooking for 2-3 minutes. You will have to cook them for approx. 6-7 minutes all together. Remove the dumplings from the water with the help of a skimmer and put them into the pan with the breadcrumbs. Gently roll in the breadcrumbs until they are completely covered with breadcrumbs outside and serve your dumplings hot or lukewarm.
Melt butter in a pan, add breadcrumbs, cocoa and sugar and toast for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat until the dumplings are cooked.

Recipe from Julia Morat

Passione Cooking
South Tyrolean DOC or Italian with German mother tongue – this is how Julia describes herself. She likes reinterpreting old family recipes from mom Reinhild and grandma Imma and enriching them with a few innovative and international elements. No matter how relaxed she is when cooking – there is one thing she can’t do well: cooking according to recipes. She likes being adventurous, experimenting and combining when cooking, but there is one ingredient that you can find in every single recipe: her smile.

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