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Porridge with Gala apples, walnuts and honey

A healthy and delicious breakfast

Porridge is tasty, satiating and particularly rich in fiber and thus the perfect breakfast dish. We offer you a simple recipe with crunchy, juicy Gala apples, shelled walnuts and honey for much energy and taste.
20 min.


for 4 persons

2 Gala apples
180 g oat, spelt and barley flakes
300 ml whole milk
280 ml water
70 g shelled walnuts
4 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. poppy seeds
1 generous pinch of salt
Lemon zest or vanilla seeds
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Peel an apple and cut it into small cubes of less than 1 cm. Put them in a saucepan together with oat flakes, milk, water, salt and lemon zest or vanilla seeds.
Bring over medium heat and cook about 8-10 minutes until the porridge is thick and creamy.
In the meantime, quarter and then thinly slice the second apple.
Add chopped walnuts and complete each bowl with a tablespoon of honey, poppy seeds and apple slices before serving.

Recipe from Alice Del Re

Pane libri e nuvole

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