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Venosta red currant cake

A delicious cake with berries

How refreshing! You will not only like this cake with sweet-acidulous red currants if you have a sweet tooth!
60 min.


For the pastry:

100 g butter
125 g sugar
4 egg yolks
175 g plain flour ½ heaped teaspoons baking powder
For the meringue: 4 egg whites 200
sugar 50 g flaked almonds

For the meringue:

4 egg whites
200 sugar
50 g flaked almonds

For the topping:

500 g redcurrants
1 packet white or red icing mix
250 ml redcurrant juice
200 ml double cream
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Knead the pastry ingredients to make short crust pastry. Halve and roll out into two sheets of pastry of the same size. Line the base of the two cake tins and chill.
For the meringue, whip the egg whites and sugar till fluffy and mix together with 1-2 dessert-spoons of almonds. Spread equally over the two pastry bases and sprinkle the rest of the almonds over them. Bake for approximately 30 minutes at 170°C. Remove the cakes from the tins and leave to cool down.
Mix the icing with the redcurrant juice according to the instructions and whip the double cream until very stiff. Sprinkle the prepared redcurrants over one of the cake bases and pour some of the cooled icing over it. Spread on the double cream and place the second cake base (with the meringue facing up) onto the cake.

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