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Val Venosta Apples:
the apple paradise is getting more and more sustainable

Here in Val Venosta we respect future generations and the environment

Val Venosta Apples:
Free of herbicides
A soil gets rich and fertile when it is the habitat of numerous animals and microorganisms. But beware: Herbicides impede life in the soil.

Here in Val Venosta soil condition is fundamental for the cultivation of high-quality apples. This is why we developed an own product line where our producers voluntarily renounce the use of herbicides to promote the ecosystem.
"The soil is a very precious resource: You can’t grow healthy products without a healthy soil."
But what are herbicides? Herbicides are weed killers that are mainly used in agriculture, but also in gardening and for courtyard areas to eliminate weeds. Maybe not everybody knows that weeds are the worst enemies of crops because they steal water, nutrients and light. The producer can counter the proliferation of weeds that may compromise
the harvest by hand-weeding, mechanically removing weeds or with the help of herbicides.

Here in Val Venosta we strive to work in harmony with nature in everything we do: We apply mechanical weed control, which consists in removing weeds around the trunk mechanically, as you can see in the video. As a result, the apple trees can grow luxuriantly.
What is the most widely used herbicide? Glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the most common of all herbicides and is used in agriculture, in gardening and at home. It is considered to be some kind of all-rounder herbicide. But not all plants are eradicated after the treatment. Some of them, usually genetically modified plants, are even resistant to glyphosate.
Environmentally friendly packaging Always on the side of nature
Val Venosta Apples confirm their commitment to reducing the impact on the environment and offering high quality. This is also true for packaging.

All Val Venosta cardboards have been Forest Stewardship Council certified since 2018. A few months ago, Val Venosta Apples also introduced mono-material packaging of pure cardboard or cardboard made of 40% grass paper consisting of dried grass and waste paper. This means that the transparent films have recently been substituted by cardboard, which is completely natural, recyclable and environmentally friendly – for a 100% plastic-free packaging.
Water is a limited resource. This is why we carefully manage water resources in Val Venosta.

In the apple orchards:

Do you know drip irrigation? Drip irrigation is meanwhile used in half of our orchards and has great advantages: you can save large quantities of water, the apple trees are less exposed to humidity and thus less prone to fungal diseases requiring less pesticides and it guarantees an adequate and punctual irrigation to allow the apple trees to grow without any stress.

In the packhouses:
Water is so precious that we use it wisely in every processing phase. Small closed water circuits speed up the process and reduce the waste of water when water is substituted. Furthermore, every cooperative has process water treatment systems, both indoor and outdoor. We use water from the streams, which is strictly regulated by specific agreements to protect pond farming.
"Water is a precious resource that we only use in an efficient and targeted way."
Only good water in Val Venosta

Val Venosta is by nature rich in water resources, but keep it under your hat! The mountains and glaciers surrounding our valley store snow and rainwater and offer high-quality water to allow irrigation throughout the year.

We owe our water’s high quality to the conformation of our valley. Due to the constantly decreasing altitude it is always on the move and thus of good quality.

Other measures for a sustainable production

But renunciation of herbicides, environmentally friendly packaging and controlled management of water resources are not the only measures in Val Venosta to guarantee a sustainable production.

Discover all other measures to protect the environment here...


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